Make Money

Top 8 Online Companies That Pay You To Write

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Want to Make Extra Money Now?

We’ve all seen advertisements that promote making money from home. Like many people, you’ve probably wondered if this is a legitimate possibility. After all, earning extra cash via your computer sounds pretty amazing.

You’ll be happy to learn that there are several genuine ways to make money online, and many of them involve writing. Below you’ll find a list of eight online companies that pay you to write.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or simply looking for a flexible part-time job, these opportunities can be a great fit. You don’t need to be a seasoned veteran to write for them.

As long as you meet their requirements and pass a test (if applicable), you’re set! Let’s explore the list below to see what your opportunities are.

Table of Contents

1. HireWriters

What Is The Application Process?

Signing up for HireWriters is a quick process and can be done here. Once you fill out the short form, you’ll be sent an activation link via e-mail. Once you do this, you’re all set to start writing!

There are a few more details and tips about the signup process in the HireWriters FAQ section. They suggest adding a writing sample to your profile to help draw in client.

I can vouch for this idea; it’s always worked well for me. Clients can see your writing style and your effort if you have a sample article.

How Much Does HireWriters Pay?

The amount you earn on HireWriters depends on your writer status. Every writer starts at Beginner Level.

The subsequent levels are General, Skilled, and Expert. According to the HireWriters FAQ, a Beginner can earn $2.25 for 300 to 500-word assignment. An Expert writer can earn $10.66 for a 300 to 500-word assignment.

When and How Does HireWriters Pay?

HireWriters pays via PayPal every Friday as long as you have a minimum of $10 earned. There’s no need to request a payout; it’s automatically sent to your PayPal account. It doesn’t get much easier than that!

2. InfoBarrel

What Is The Application Process?

Start by filling out this short form that asks for a bit of basic information. Once you’ve done so, you can start filling out your profile and posting articles.

The “Writing For InfoBarrel” page states that all you need to do is fill out a form to begin writing. An account manager will be assigned to your account that will review articles before you they go live. Fill out your profile and add a PayPal account so they can send you payments.

How Much Does InfoBarrel Pay?

Unlike other websites on this list, InfoBarrel does not pay per word. InfoBarrel uses an ad-based revenue sharing system. You can write articles about a number of different topics; you have an extreme amount of creative freedom.

There is no set amount that you will earn. It depends on the exposure your article receives. The post “Everything You Need to Know About InfoBarrel Ads” explains this in great detail. They also give you an example of how much you can earn.

When And How Does InfoBarrel Pay?

InfoBarrel pays via PayPal once you’ve earned a minimum of $50. uses the Net 45 payment system.

Payments are sent on a NET 45 basis. This means that 45 days after the closing of the month, you will be sent payments provided you’ve reached the minimum amount. If not, your earnings will be rolled over to the next month.

3. Textbroker

What Is The Application Process?

You begin by filling out a short form. This is where you provide basic information about yourself. You will also need to provide a clear photo or scan of your driver’s license.

This is to prevent fraud. Once you create an account, you will take a writing test. This test will be graded and you will be assigned a level – Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4. Then you get to start your money making journey! To apply for Textbroker, click here.

How Much Does Textbroker Pay?

Textbroker pays between 0.7 cents per word to 5.0 cents per word for OpenOrder assignments. The amount you earn depends on the star rating that you receive.

This means you can earn anywhere from $3.50 to $25.00 for a 500-word assignment. You can read more about payment here. The bottom of the page offers a super-helpful calculator to help you determine how much money you can earn.

When And How Does Textbroker Pay?

Textbroker pays once per week via PayPal if you’ve earned a minimum of $10. To receive your payment, you must submit a payment request by 11:59 PM on Thursdays.

Payments are typically sent to your PayPal account on Friday morning. You can learn more about payment details at the link in the ‘How Much Does Textbroker Pay?’ section.

4. iWriter

What Is The Application Process?

To sign up for iWriter, all you need to do is provide your e-mail address, a password, and a bit of basic information about yourself. You’ll also need a PayPal account in order to get paid.

To get approved for iWriter, you must pass a short spelling test and a grammar test. You are not required to submit a writing sample or pass a writing test.

How Much Does iWriter Pay?

iWriter pays Standard level writers $1.62 for a 300-word article, $2.43 for a 500-word article, and $4.05 for a 700-word article.

Premium and Elite writers earn more per article, but the amount is not explicitly disclosed in the iWriter F.AQ. section. Clients have the ability to accept or reject your articles, but you can dispute unfair rejections with the iWriter support team.

When And How Does iWriter Pay?

iWriter pays via PayPal, and the frequency of your payments depends on what you choose – weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly.

According to the iWriter FAQ section, “Weekly payments are sent every Tuesday. Bi-weekly payments are sent every other Wednesday. Monthly is sent either on the 5th or 25th depending on which is selected.

And this Support section post states that you must earn a minimum of $20 to receive your payment.

5. WritersDomain

What Is The Application Process?

First, you start out by registering a new account. You’ll provide basic information about yourself such as your full name, address (for tax purposes), and your e-mail address.

After this, you’ll be required to submit an original writing sample that is 400 words or longer. According to the WritersDomain FAQ, writing samples are approved with 2-3 business days. Lastly, you will take a grammar test. The process is explained in further detail here.

How Much Does WritersDomain Pay?

WritersDomain’s FAQ section states that writers can earn between $0.02 and $0.05 per word. This means you can earn between $8.00 and $20.00 for a 400-word article.

It seems that the amount you earn varies depending on how your article is graded. According to their blog, WritersDomain uses a star rating system to grade each article.

When And How Does WritersDomain Pay?

WritersDomain pays via PayPal once per month on the 5th. However, you are presented with a “Pay Me Now” option if you earn more than $100. Once you hit this threshold, the “Pay Me Now” button appears and you can immediately deposit the money into your PayPal account.

 6. WriterAccess

What Is The Application Process?

You’ll start out by filling out this application. You’ll also provide writing samples and take a spelling and/or grammar test. Once you are approved, you’ll receive a star rating of two, three, four, or five.

This will determine how much money you make at first. I strongly suggest providing as much info as possible in your application and put your best effort into your writing samples.

The WriterAccess FAQ states “Writers who are accepted receive an initial star rating of 2, 3, 4 or 5, which is determined by the strength of their profiles, writing samples, and initial application and test score. A writer’s level can improve (or decline) as assignments are completed.

How Much Does WriterAccess Pay?

WriterAccess pays a minimum of 1.4 cents Level Two (lowest level) writers. Level Seven (highest level) writers are paid a minimum of 7.0 cents per word. More information about payment can be found in the ‘Money Matters’ section of the WriterAccess FAQ.

When And How Does WriterAccess Pay?

WriterAccess pays twice per month via PayPal as long as you have a $10 balance when the pay dates occur.

There is not exactly a specific date that you will receive your payment from them; it varies due to processing. WriterAccess states that all assignments are calculates on the 4th and 19th of each month.

Funds will be transferred to PayPal automatically after a few days. Writers will typically receive payments between the 7th and 9th or between the 22nd and 24th.

7. BlogMutt

What Is The Application Process?

Applying for BlogMutt is a pretty straightforward process. You begin by filling out this form; you’ll provide basic information and verify that you’re a real person. After this, you will take a short one-question test.

The test is designed to A) test your grammar skills and B) test your research skills. It’s pretty straightforward, and you can use Google or any other resource to help you find the answer.

How Much Does BlogMutt Pay?

According to most sources, BlogMutt pays $8.00 for a 250-word blog post. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that your blog posts will earn money.

You submit blog posts and earn money if or when a client chooses to use them. However, this BlogMutt writer states his rejection rate is a mere 10% over the course of four years. Upon reading several reviews, it seems that most BlogMutt writers state that they have high acceptance rates.

When And How Does BlogMutt Pay?

BlogMutt pays via PayPal every Monday. Unlike some sites, you do not have to reach a minimum earnings amount to get paid. Even if you only make $8.00 for one article, the money you earn will be sent to your PayPal account. It’s pretty convenient!

8. Wordgigs

What Is The Application Process?

You start out by filling out an application here. Applicants must complete a telephone interview before being hired. In my experience, this interview is pretty brief and straightforward.

Wordgigs states in their FAQ section: “Before your services are accepted, we will screen all applicants via a short telephone call (about 10-15 minutes).

There are some reports on various blogs and forums from applicants who were rejected after their phone interview. It appears that the reason for these rejections is unknown.

How Much Does Wordgigs Pay?

WordGigs pays a minimum of $4.50 for a 350-400 word article and $18 for a 900-1000 article. They also have other types of writing assignments available like press releases, e-books, and “Elite Content”.

From what I’ve read, these other writing assignments pay well, but they are not frequently available. You can find more about payment for those projects here.

When And How Does Wordgigs Pay?

Wordgigs pays via PayPal, and their website does not explicitly state how often they pay or if there is a payment minimum. According to this blog post, Wordgigs pays on the 1st and 15th of every month.

7 Tips About Making Money Writing Online

My primary job is freelance writing, so I’m passionate about helping people in this area. I no longer write for any of these websites because I work for private clients now.

However, many of them were excellent starting points for me and they were my sole income providers for years! If you want to make this a true part-time job without many snafus, take the following tips into consideration:

1. Create a free PayPal account before you begin signing up for writing websites.

This will save you some time during the signup process, and it’ll ensure that you get paid as quickly as possible.

2. If you want to earn a certain amount per hour, track the amount of time it takes you to write.

You can use a free time tracking website like Toggl that make this a breeze. There are perks that come with a paid Toggl account, but I find that the free version is very suitable.

3. Use free spelling and grammar tools to your advantage.

Grammarly is one excellent free tool that you can use to check your work for errors. I also enjoy After The Deadline; this free tool helps you polish up your writing by pointing out style errors in addition to grammar and spelling errors.

4. Read about the article acceptance and rejection process for any sites you sign up for.

Some sites allow clients to reject a writer’s work. Most sites allow you to revise your work or dispute a rejection. Read the fine print before writing!

5. Learn a bit about self-employment income tax.

Even if you only earn a few hundred bucks, you’re required to report it when you file your taxes. This site provides some great information about self-employment taxes.

6. Set realistic goals for yourself; don’t expect to make millions overnight.

You can absolutely make a few hundred dollars per month or even per week. I made $375 in my first two weeks as a Level 3 Textbroker writer.  It’s all about the time and effort you put forth, but stay practical when setting goals.

7. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.

If you’re serious about making income with these sites, it’s best to write for at least two or more of them. It’s not uncommon for writing website to go through “dry spells” where work isn’t readily available. If you’re registered on multiple sites, you have a much better chance of always finding work to do.


To sum it all up, you can certainly make money through these online companies that pay you to write. Perhaps you just want to save up some extra cash, or maybe you want to start a work-from-home lifestyle. Whatever the case may be, these sites are the real deal.

You may not become a millionaire, but you can absolutely earn decent money. So get started with your applications, and you’ll be on your way to earning cash from the comfort of your home!

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