
LifePoints Review | Is LifePoints Panel A Scam Or Legit?

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Looking for a full review of LifePoints?

LifePoints is a platform that allows you to earn cash and rewards by completing surveys and small tasks on your laptop or phone. They claim to have over 5 million members, and offer surveys in 26 languages.

The question is: is this app too good to be true? Can you really earn money just by completing simple tasks and surveys?

To find out, I took a closer look at LifePoints and learned all about how it works.

Just read on for my complete, honest LifePoints review.

Table of Contents

What Is LifePoints & How Does It Work?

There are a lot of survey sites out there for users to make money.

But each of them comes with unique features, pros, and cons. Some survey sites can be really profitable, and others might not be worth your time.

The core idea behind a survey site, or survey panel, is to provide a platform for market research. Major brands can use the platform to get feedback on their products or services. Individual users, or panelists, get paid for providing that feedback.

It’s a win-win for both sides. But not all survey sites are created equal.

To find out if becoming a panelist for a particular survey site is going to be worth your time, it’s important to do your research. That’s where reviews like this one come in.

LifePoints has a ton of benefits compared to some other platforms out there, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. Here’s what you need to know.

The history

LifePoints claims to have 5 million users, but there is an important caveat to that number.

This platform is actually a combination of two older platforms, MySurvey and Lightspeed. So most of their users were brought on from one of those pre-existing platforms. The majority of users are still adjusting to the change, and the new platform is still working out the kinks.

That said, the fact that this is a joint venture of older survey sites is actually good news for new users. It means that this platform is definitely not a scam. It’s a legitimate market research operation, with years of experience.

One of those parent companies, Lightspeed, has been around since the 1940s. They conduct market research all over the world.

Since LifePoints itself started a few years ago, they’ve been getting mixed reviews. Not all of their users are happy with the change from the two older systems.

Of course, the only way to know if LifePoints is really as great as they claim is to try it out for yourself!

How it works

So, how exactly does LifePoints provide market research for companies? And how can you earn from it?

It’s actually really simple. As a panelist, you answer questions and complete tasks that give companies feedback. As you do these things, you earn points. Those points can then be redeemed as gift cards to major brands, Paypal vouchers, or donations.

There are three ways to earn points on the platform: answering surveys, tracking consumer behavior, and testing products. I’ll get into each of those options in a little more detail later on.

This variety of options sets LifePoints apart from other survey sites on the market. With other platforms, the only way you can earn is to complete surveys.

As a panelist with LifePoints, you’ll accumulate points on your individual account. You’ll be able to see how much you can earn from each task before you start, and collect your points as soon as you finish it.

How do they make money?

Whenever you’re looking into an online money-making opportunity, it’s important to ask how the company itself makes money.

One of the most common online scams out there is a “company” that offers easy ways to make money, but charges a fee to sign up. 9 times out of 10, those sites are just earning money with the initial signup fees.

That’s not the case with LifePoints. This is a legitimate market research site, which means that they get paid by the brands and corporations that use their platform to get market feedback. They don’t take any money from the panelists themselves.

If you are ever signing up for a survey site or other online money-making opportunity that asks for a signup fee, use caution. Most legitimate survey panels are free!

LifePoints review: scam, or real way to make money?

Now that you know the basics, let’s get to the real question: is LifePoints a scam, or a real money-making opportunity?

No, LifePoints is not a scam. This is a legitimate market research platform, backed by a very established company. There are no fees to sign up, and you won’t have to pay anything to participate.

So, this is a real way to make money. The question is: how much? Is it really worth your time and effort to become a LifePoints panelist?

The answer to that depends on what you’re looking for and how much time you have to spare. No one can make a living with LifePoints, but a dedicated panelist could use it to gain some extra pocket money every month.

If you’re looking for a remote gig to replace your full-time job, this probably isn’t the opportunity for you.

But if you have a little time to spend online and want to make a few easy bucks, read on. Here’s what you need to know about making money through LifePoints.

Signing up

Getting started with LifePoints is pretty easy. The only requirements are that you are at least 14 years old, and have a laptop with internet access.

Head to their website to make your account. You’ll have to fill in some basic information, including your name, age, address and gender. This information helps the site to determine what kinds of surveys you’re qualified to answer.

After providing the initial information, you’ll have a confirmation link sent to your email. As soon as you click the link to activate your account, you’ll earn your first 10 lifepoints.

The whole process only takes a few minutes, and then you can get to work.

I should note here that a few users have had issues with the initial signup process. The LifePoints platform is still relatively new, so there can occasionally be glitches. If you have problems creating your account, give it some time and try again later.

Earning points

Like the name of the platform suggests, the way you earn money and rewards is by collecting “lifepoints”. The more tasks you complete, the more lifepoints you’ll collect.

The earning potential for each task varies. In general, you will gain between 20 and 100 points every time you complete a task, depending on how long it takes.

On your account dashboard, you’ll be able to see how many points you have collected. You also select new tasks through the dashboard — the platform is really clear and simple, so you’ll have no problem finding and selecting new tasks.

There are three types of tasks you can complete to earn lifepoints:


Surveys are the most common and profitable type of task on Lifepoints.

Topics can be anything relevant to your daily life, including health, travel, and shopping. Not every panelist has access to the same surveys — you’ll get surveys that are relevant to you, based on the information you provided at signup.

Again, most high-paying survey sites out there offer payment just for surveys. This is one of the most useful market research tools out there — it gives companies direct feedback from consumers like you.

Better yet, all the surveys on this platform are quick. It shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes to complete one, and there are always plenty available on your dashboard.

But answering survey questions can get a little boring, which is why LifePoints offers other options for panelists.


Another way you can earn lifepoints is by tracking your behavior as a consumer in diary entries.

In other words, you can use the diary feature on the LifePoints mobile app to tell companies about your experience. You’ll record how long you waited in line at a story, what your interactions with staff were like, etc.

This is a great option because it lets you earn points by doing things you would already be doing, anyway. You don’t have to take much time out of your day — just write down what you’re experiencing with a certain company, while you’re experiencing it.

Product testing

The final option to earn steady points is testing products.

This is how LifePoints can give companies feedback on a specific product. Just select what you would like to test on your dashboard, they’ll send you the product (for free!), and you answer questions about it.

Pretty cool, right?

Product testing is a fun way to earn points, and it’s not offered by many other online survey platforms. You might not earn as many points with product testing as with surveys, but it’s still a fun way to try something new, for free.


Once you’ve earned enough points through various tasks, you can redeem them to collect your rewards.

Remember, lifepoints aren’t an exact currency. They don’t translate to the specific dollar amount you’ll earn once you redeem them.

Instead, you can use your points to “shop” for various rewards on the site. Those rewards include gift cards to big retailers, Paypal money, and donations to major charities. Different rewards come at different prices.

According to their website, lifepoints can expire — you’ll have to “spend” your points within at least 3 years of earning them. That’s why I recommend getting new rewards frequently, instead of saving up your points for on big reward in the future.

Like everything else on the platform, selecting your rewards is clear and simple. You just go to the rewards catalog on your dashboard, and shop for what you want. You don’t have to use all your points on one reward — for example, you can get an Amazon gift card, then use your leftover points on a Paypal voucher.

How many points do you need to have to make a decent amount of money?

That’s actually a tricky question to answer. The value of points compared to dollars isn’t exact, and varies with each prize. For example, a $5 Paypal voucher may cost more points than a $5 Starbucks gift card.

The only way to really know how much lifepoints are worth is to start earning and shopping yourself. I can tell you that you won’t earn a full-time salary on this app, but you can make enough to save up towards your next big online purchase, or just to buy your weekly caffeinated treat.


A lot of survey sites offer ways for you to expand your earnings. LifePoints is no exception.

Boosters are ways that you can earn more points, without completing tasks. These bonuses are generally given in percentages — in other words, with a booster you earn a certain percentage more points for a given task.

One of the most profitable boosters is the location services. Just by turning on your location while using the app, you’ll earn an extra 20% per task.

You can also earn boosters for keeping your profile up to date, and for being a frequent user. The platform wants to reward panelists who stick with it and keep providing feedback, so the longer you’re an active user, the more earning opportunities you’ll have.

Unfortunately, there is no referral system with LifePoints. Other survey sites offer bonuses for referring a friend — however, the other boosters offered on this platform make up for it.

LifePoints pros and cons

Can’t decide if LifePoints is worth it for you?

Again, the only way to really know is to sign up and give it a shot. It’s totally free to make an account, and you can quit if you don’t enjoy it right away.

But before you do that, here are some of the main pros and cons of LifePoints, to give you a better idea of what to expect.


  • Variety of tasks available: Unlike with other survey sites, there are multiple ways to earn points through LifePoints. You can even earn for doing things you would normally do, like shopping or eating in a restaurant, and get even more points just for turning your location on.
  • Earning opportunity for teens: Teens 14 and older can participate in LifePoints, making it an awesome way for a teenager to make some spending money.
  • Variety of rewards: Through LifePoints, you can redeem your points to direct money through Paypal, or get gift cards to save up for a big online purchase. You can also turn your points into a charitable donation.
  • Available everywhere: With 26 different languages and international availability, this is an awesome platform for people all over the world — including travelers who want to make money on the road.
  • Plenty of quick surveys: There are always plenty of surveys available on your LifePoints dashboard, and most of them are quick. All it takes is 10 minutes or less to earn some points.


  • Unpredictable earnings: One of the biggest drawbacks of LifePoints, compared to other survey sites, is that the value of points is unpredictable. There’s no way of knowing how much you can realistically earn for each survey.
  • Some glitches: Some users have complained about glitches on the website and app, especially when initially signing up and creating an account.
  • Points expire: Lifepoints expire after 3 years, which makes it difficult to save up your points for a really big payout. However, if you redeem your points fairly regularly, that shouldn’t be an issue.
  • No affiliate program: Affiliate marketing is a great way to make some money remotely through social media. Unfortunately, as of now, there isn’t an affiliate marketing program available through LifePoints.

The final word: a fun way to make some extra money

LifePoints isn’t a scam. It’s a legitimate market research site that rewards panelists for providing important feedback.

You definitely won’t lose any money on this app — and you won’t lose much time, either. Pretty much all of the surveys take less than 10 minutes to complete. You can also earn points just by recording your experiences in a store, or by testing products.

Considering all that, is this money-making app worth your time?

That’s really up to you! I won’t lie — this is not a way to make real income. If that’s what you’re looking for, check out our list of the best ways to make money online.

However, if you just want to make some extra cash with easy, quick tasks, LifePoints might be exactly what you’re looking for. This platform is free, easy to use, and honestly pretty fun!

Despite its drawbacks, LifePoints is a real way to earn easy rewards and money. Create your own free profile today to see if it’s right for you!

If you have anything else to add to this LifePoints review, let us know in the comments below.

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