Comments on: Mobile Performance Meter Review: Earn 100% Passive Income Wed, 10 Apr 2024 02:40:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Michaels Mon, 01 Jan 2018 21:54:37 +0000 In reply to Jeannette Clark.

Hi Jeannette,

Glad you were able to get a free gift card!

By: Jeannette Clark Fri, 29 Dec 2017 18:06:31 +0000 In reply to Catherine R. Poole.

I I also got a new phone and bianes the internet was taken off of my old phone I had to go somewhere with Wi-Fi and download my points into money for my gift card then they sent me an email to my new phone with my gift card to use it was actually pretty simple also got

By: Catherine R. Poole Wed, 15 Nov 2017 17:29:05 +0000 In reply to Charlotte.

The same thing happened to me…I had about 3500 points. Was waiting to get to 5000 for a 50.00 gift card. Bought a new phone on the 7th of November…they transferred all my apps. When I got home to check everything….my points were gone….have emailed MPM twice and no response yet..

By: Jeannette Clark Sun, 24 Sep 2017 17:45:05 +0000 I have the performance meter app and I transferred $25 to a Visa card and I can’t figure out how to use it to purchase something on Amazon it’s saying that I have $2.12 from a previous balance but it won’t let me use the $25 does anybody have any advice??

By: Tracee Fri, 23 Jun 2017 02:23:42 +0000 They shut the meter off, or stopped forwarding surveys. When I inquired I was told the survey wasn’t running anymore. I had 23.00 in points to collect. When trying to do so I was told I was too late to collect. They never gave a deadline as to when to collect, or redeem, and went as far as to say I was told via email I was to collect. As far as Im concerned any business who can’t pay such minimal funds only reflects on the integrity of the company. It has none.

By: Tony Pettway Thu, 25 May 2017 19:30:21 +0000 I was sent an amazon gift card for 10.00 dollars but it was sent to the wrong e-mail address, can you fix this problem the right e-mail address is Thank you!

By: emma goyette Tue, 28 Mar 2017 14:25:53 +0000 Why does my husband get more points per day than I do ?

By: Les Martin Sun, 08 Jan 2017 18:42:56 +0000 I’m in the UK and have been using the embedded meter for several months I have totalled 1,500 points already but it looks like it’s been a waste of time as I’ve been told it doesn’t count in the UK is this correct if so I’ll delete the app would you please let me know thanks les m

By: Hagrid Thu, 08 Sep 2016 07:31:30 +0000 I had the same issue just email them and they will fix your account.
Here is the support email.

By: Charlotte Sun, 28 Aug 2016 19:57:37 +0000 I was already with mobile performance. I got a new phone.had everything transferred over. I was checking my balance which should be enough to get a 25.00 gift card.
And it was gone…asked me to sign up again..bye bye points…now I can’t sign up at all..I’m irritated to say the least…I mean really and there is no phone number?
