Comments on: How To Pay Off Your Mortgage by Renting Out Rooms Wed, 02 Nov 2022 10:32:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Michaels Tue, 23 Jul 2019 16:33:49 +0000 In reply to Jennifer W.

Hi Jennifer,

Really sorry to hear all of this, and it sounds like you’re in a bind. Ultimately, I’d love to give you great advice but it’s all your choice. I would say you could rent to people with or without a vehicle, and it doesn’t mean you have to give them a ride. Just make this fact clear when you rent it out.

By: Jennifer W Tue, 28 May 2019 04:59:13 +0000 I have to figure something out,and this might be a way…
My husband is very ill. Doctors refuse to say how long he’s got, because all 3 diseases cause death indirectly. He’s in bed most of the time. We moved in with my mother, to keep her from going to the nursing home, but since then, he’s gotten worse. Instead of saving money, we’re eating right through it, while i’m losing my teeth from lack of proper care!
After my mother passes and her most home is sold, after estate taxes, we will probably have $50,000. Since there’s only a few homes that cheap, i’ve been thinking of some choices. One would be to buy a trailer on a piece of private property for $50k, and then rent out a second bedroom for $500/ month, including water and electricity. (Would that be ok? I mean, do I need to involve cable and wifi as well? Home telephone?)
I also thought to encourage “over 50,” since seniors have advantages. For instance, they’re usually calmed down (no big parties, etc), and if they have medical issues, we could accompany each other to appointments.
Should I only provide rent to people who own their own vehicle? I’d hate to constantly be hit up for a ride, ya know?
Also, how do you ask someone to leave?
