
Dosh App Review: Earn Free Cash Back When Shopping For Everyday Items

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Want to Make Extra Money Now?

What if you could automatically earn cash back for products that you already buy on a daily basis? The Dosh App pays you when to buy groceries, make travel plans, participate in activities or to shop online.

Registration is completely free, and you even get a $1 bonus as a new user. In this Dosh Review, we’re going to explain to you how the app works and how much you can potentially make.

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What Is The Dosh App?

The Dosh App is a recently-launched free mobile app that chases down cash back opportunities. They partner with businesses who are willing to give back to the average consumer like you and me.

When you make a purchase through one of their partnered retailers, Dosh tracks it down and puts money into your account in the form of Dosh Dollars.

dosh app review what is

The great thing about Dosh? It works basically anywhere. It doesn’t matter where your located, as they’ve partnered with retailers and business across the globe.

I’m currently writing this article in Madrid, Spain, and I’ve already found a wide range of offers near me. However, the majority of  the offers will be found in the US.

How Can I Get Paid?

There are two main ways in which you can earn with Dosh:

  1. Linking your credit card. We highly recommend you start off with this step since you get a $1 bonus. Make a purchase at one of their partner retailers using your linked credit card and Dosh will give you cash back.
  2. Online purchases. Dosh also pays you when you use the links in their app to make a purchase. It doesn’t matter what credit card you use, just as long as you open the app first and click on the link. From there, you’ll be redirected to the online retailer. Dosh will automatically keep track of your purchase and eventually credit your account with cash back.

After you earn a certain amount of these Dosh Dollars, you can claim them out for real cash to your PayPal or bank account. You need a minimum of $15 to cash out.

Although you’re paid in the form of Dosh Dollars, keep in mind that the amount of Dosh Dollars you have is the same amount in USD. In other words, $1 Dosh Dollar is equal to $1 USD.

How Is It That Dosh Is Able To Pay Me For Free?

You might be thinking that the Dosh App is a scam since they give you free cash back and don’t require any form of payment. However, they are actually earning money each time you make a purchase. Just as there are two main ways to earn with Dosh, there are two main ways in which they earn money and can pay you:

  • Affiliate Links – In order to earn cash back when shopping online with Dosh, you need to first open the app and click on the link to be redirected to their partnered, online retailer. They earn a commission when you make a purchase, and give it back to you in the form of cash back.
  • Market Research – When you make an offline purchase at a restaurant – such as Jack in the Box – Dosh can track what you spend when you link your credit card. For example, they can find that you spent $7 at Jack in the Box on a Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM. They take this information and sell it to companies that want to use the data to improve their products and services.

How Much Cash Back Can I Earn With The Dosh App?

The amount of cash back you can earn entirely depends on the retailer. Dosh makes different deals with their partners, so the amount you earn isn’t always going to be the same.

The cash back amount you earn is usually a percentage of your total purchase price. For example, Dosh is currently offering 7% in cash back when you eat at Jack in the Box. Spend $20 and you get $1.40 in Dosh Dollars. When you shop online at Walmart, you earn 3% in cash back to Dosh Dollars.

The majority of cash back offers are for online purchases. Keep in mind that you must use the links found within the app. Click on the “Shop Now” button to be redirected to the retailer’s website. Make a purchase and Dosh will automatically keep track of your total purchase price.

From what we’ve seen, the average cash back amount trends around 4.5%. However, we’ve seen cash back offers go for as little as 1.4% (at Target) and offers that go as high as 37.5% in cash back (Udemy). To make it easier, you can also use their search feature to find a specific offer.

Travel Plans and Activities Usually Pay You A Fixed Amount

We’ve found that Dosh gives a fixed amount when making travel plans or planning activities. For example, I found that if I book one night at the Catalonia Las Cortes Hotel in Madrid, Spain, I get $77 in Dosh Dollars. Attend a tapas tour in Bareclona and get $4.32 back.

Offline Purchases Are Automatic

This is the easiest and most passive way to earn with Dosh. If you make an offline purchase and it’s partnered with Dosh, you’ll earn cash back just as long as your credit card is linked. These cash back amounts typically range anywhere from 3% – 7%.

How Long Does It Take To Receive Cash Back?

Cash back offers can take up to a total of 30 days to be rewarded into your account. However, I typically find that it takes much shorter. Expect on average anywhere from 48 to 72 hours to find Dosh Dollars in Your Account.

How Do I Get Started With The Dosh App?

Registering with the Dosh App is incredibly simple. In order to make sure that you don’t get lost, we’ve broken it down in just a few simple steps.

1. Register.

As mentioned above, there’s absolutely no cost to join Dosh. In fact, you even get a $1 bonus when you link your first credit card as a new user. Sign up using this link here and enter in your name, email and telephone number.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to enter in a text verification code as well as verify your email. You can also sign-up with Facebook or your Google account.

dosh app review register

2. Link your credit card.

Link your first credit card to get your first bonus and to also receive cash back for offline purchase. You can either type in your credit card information or scan your credit card to have it linked automatically.

Keep in mind that while Dosh does use your purchases for market research, everything is kept completely anonymous. In other words, there’s no way to track the information back to you. Furthermore, the app uses encryption-based technology, so your credit card information is safe.

dosh app review link credit card

3. Browse offers.

Before making any online purchase, I always check the Dosh app to see if I can earn any cash back. Simply click on the “Offers” tab at the bottom of the app to view a list of cash back amounts.

The amount of cash back you will receive depends on the retailer that you’re shopping at. Keep in mind that in order to earn cash back, you must use the links found within the app.

dosh app review cash back offers

4. Browse travel plans.

Click on the “Travel” tab to view travel offers. The amount of cash back you earn with these offers is a typically a fixed amount of Dosh Dollars. In order to earn cash back, you must make these purchases within the app itself.

dosh app review travel cash back

5. Make offline purchases.

As mentioned above, offline purchases are the most passive way of earning with Dash. As long as your credit card is linked and you make a purchase at one of their partnered retailers, you’ll earn cash back. Right now Jack in the Box is offering 7% in cash back when you sign-up with Dosh.

dosh app review offline cash back

6. Refer friends.

Want to make more cash with Dosh? Each time you refer a friend, you earn $5 when they make their first Dosh purchase. Right now there’s no limit to the amount of referral offers you can receive.

A great way to spread the word is a quick post on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media account. If you’d like to support FFL, feel free to use our referral link. We’d greatly appreciate it!

dosh app review refer a friend

7. Refer businesses.

If you want to earn even more with Dosh, refer a business and make bank. Earn up to 20% of their Dosh fees over the next two years. This amount is huge, and there’s currently free enrollment for businesses for a limited time.

dosh app review refer a business

What Are Some Other Great Rewards Apps?

Just because you’re earning cash back with Dosh, doesn’t mean you have to stop there. There are plenty of other cash back apps that can work in your favor.

1. Ibotta
  • Registration Bonus: $10 bonus after scanning your first receipt
  • Join Ibotta

Ibotta is one of the most popular receipt scanning apps on the market, and they’re one of the very first as well. Get paid to take a picture of your grocery receipt and earn cash back on common food purchases.

Earn a $10 bonus when you sign-up and claim your first offer.

Ibotta has expanded since its original inception and now offers cash back on electronics, restaurants, alcohol, prescription drugs, and many other purchases.

Not only that, but you can also use their in-app offers to earn cash back – just like Dosh! Click on one of their partner offers and be redirected to another retailer to earn cash back.

When taking a picture of your receipt, make sure to put it on a flat surface. If your receipt isn’t legible, your account might not get credited. Expect to earn anywhere from $0.25 to $5 per offer.

You can also claim more than one offer per receipt.

Read our full Ibotta Review

2. Shoptracker

Shoptracker is by far one of my favorite passive income apps out there. As long as you have an Amazon account, you can earn up to $36/year just by leaving the app installed on your phone.

When you sign-up for a new account, you’ll be asked to take a short survey about your Amazon shopping experience. This shouldn’t take anymore than a few minutes to complete.

From there, install the Shoptracker app on your phone. Link your Amazon account and you’re given a $3 registration bonus in the form of a Visa gift card.

From there on out, for every month that you leave the app installed, you get an additional $3. This totals out to $36/year or $39 your first year if you include the bonus.

The best part? As long as the app stays installed on your phone, the only thing you remember have to do is cash out at the end of each month.

Read our full Shoptracker Review

3. Drop
  • Registration Bonus: $1 with promo code frugal4less
  • Join Drop

Drop is a very similar rewards app to Dosh, but it’s even more passive. Link your credit card or debit card to the app, and earn points each time you make a purchase with that card.

You get a $1 sign-up bonus when you use the promo code frugal4less upon sign-up and link your first card.

Here’s a quick summary how Drop works:

  1. Sign-up and link any credit or debit card.
  2. Choose up to 5 retailers in which you wish to receive cash back at.
  3. Spend your card at any of these retailers, and earn points per dollar.
  4. Earn $10 in points to cash out for a gift card of your choosing.

The best part about Drop is that it can be stacked with Dosh, thus increasing your cash back amount.

Read our full Drop Review

Final Thoughts

Although Dosh is a fairly new mobile app, they’re quickly expanding and partnering with more and more retailers. What I personally love is that I’m basically earning cash back for things that I already buy. The only difference is that I have to take an extra minute to complete one or two steps.

Dosh is not a scam, and keeps all of your information completely private. No one will be able to track any of your purchases back to your personally.

If you’ve used the Dosh App, we’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments below. If you haven’t, give it a try. Thanks for reading and happy frugaling!

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